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It is a sanctuary for storytellers and storykeepers and storylovers.
- Erin Morgenstern, The Starless Sea


Magician and Illusionist

Devilish | Twisted | Possessive

Species: Unknown; Magical Origin

Age: Unknown, appearance estimated to be late 20s

Loves: Contracts, Bribes, Theatrics

Hates: Rejection, Breaking Contracts, Crying

Before the Circus

Phantom, although not his true name, is a being of magical origin. His history is unknown.


Haunted by an unknown past, a veiled figure drifted through the shadows, his true name lost even to himself. Fate, however, led him to the dazzling lights of Miss Knotty's Circus and Carnival. There, his exceptional talent caught the eye of the enigmatic ringmistress, and he was offered a sanctuary, a purpose. Donning the moniker "Phantom" bestowed upon him by Miss Knotty, the nameless soul embraced his new identity, forever bound to the circus and it's mistress.But Phantom's secrets extend far beyond the stage. In his private quarters, tucked away from the prying eyes of the crowd, lies a peculiar collection. Glass spheres, each a miniature universe, shimmer with an otherworldly glow. Within their depths, dreams take form, fears writhe, and desires whisper promises of impossible fulfillment. Phantom, it seems, possesses a curious talent – the ability to grant wishes, for a price.After every performance, the Phantom seems to disappear, sometimes for hours, sometimes for days. None of the other performers nor the staff know where to.

Phantom’s Train Car

Tatiana Faechild

Flying Trapezist

Jovial | Playful | Sassy

Species: Human

Age: 25

Loves: making friends, singing and dancing, performing

Hates: people who can't take a joke, bullies, talking about her past

Before the Circus

After the death of her father, Tatiana was left homeless on the unforgiving streets of her city. There she learned about survival, humanity, and a need to break free from the chains that ground her.


Tatiana Faechild suffers a tragic history. Her mother died giving birth to her, leaving her father to raise her alone, working three jobs to make ends meet. Her 20th birthday, forever etched in tragedy, became the unlikely catalyst for her extraordinary journey. Tatiana's father died in a terrible accident while working in a steel mill in Pittsburgh. Grief-stricken and homeless, Tatiana survived the streets of her city by singing and dancing, performing in bars and busking for passersby.It wasn't until Miss Knotty's Circus and Carnival came to her city that she had found her calling.Tatiana caught Miss Knotty's eye after she snuck into the circus and was messing around with the trapeze equipment. Miss Knotty offered Tatiana a lifeline: a place in the circus to be a flying trapeze artist. Five years later, she paints the sky with her aerial artistry, a testament to the indomitable spirit that thrives even in the shadow of loss.

Tatiana’s Train Car


Big Cat Tamer

Majestic | Proud | Gentlemanly

Species: Lion Demihuman

Age: Unknown, appearance estimated to be late 30s

Loves: His pride of big cats, his top hat, his freedom

Hates: Liars, human slavers, animal cruelty

Before the Circus

Kovu was sold to a Mafia by his mother's husband shortly after his birth. He was raised and trained as a vicious contender in a fighting ring, every single day a torment and fight for survival.


Kovu's arrival brought whispers and shame. His mother's affair with a half-lion, half-human enigma marked him as an outcast. His mother's husband, blinded by rage and jealousy, sold him into a brutal world. The roar of the crowd drowned out the cub's whimpers as he entered the mafia boss's gladiatorial ring.His yellow and blue eyes, reflecting the glint of a thousand battles, held a flicker of hope when Miss Knotty, a woman woven from stardust and secrets, bought his freedom. The whimsical Miss Knotty's Circus and Carnival, a kaleidoscope of wonder and daring, became his haven. There, amidst the scent of sawdust and the crackle of applause, she bestowed upon him a name and a top hat, a gleaming beacon that became his armor. Every performance, Kovu danced with pride, his hat a shield against the ghosts of his past.For nine years, the rhythm of the train tracks became his lullaby. Each town unveiled a new tale of suffering, a caged soul yearning for freedom. Silently, with the grace of a phantom, Kovu liberated magnificent beasts from the sterile bars of zoos, returning them to the whispering embrace of the wild. Five of the rescued beasts have joined him at the circus, becoming his pride. His heart, a tapestry of scars and compassion, found solace in their purrs.

Kovu's Pride






Kovu's Train Car

Peter Kelly

Globe of Death Stunt Rider

Confident | Reckless | Competitive

Species: Human

Age: 21

Loves: fucking around and finding out, adrenaline rushes, one-night stands

Hates: being told what to do, relationships, caterpillars

Before the Circus

Dust swirled around Peter like a personal sandstorm as he carved through the dusty track, his dirt bike an extension of his own wild spirit. He wasn't just riding, he was dancing, defying gravity and the confines of his small, predictable town. Each jump, each turn was a middle finger to the stifling expectations of his family - a future in the family farm, a loveless marriage and kids, calloused hands, and a life measured by the seasons.

fun fact: Peter Kelly's grandfather, Sean Kelly, is best friends with Patrick Murphy, the bartender for the Circus's Irish Pub:
The Keg and Coffin.


A turning point came to Peter's life on the day his father presented him with a starched white shirt and pressed jeans, announcing his official induction into the "family business." Peter saw his future flash before him - a future devoid of the thrill of the unknown, the adrenaline rush of the impossible. That night, under the cloak of a moonless sky, he packed his meager belongings, his dirt bike the most prized possession, and rode into the night, leaving behind a life he no longer recognized.Peter craved the roar of the engine, the wind whipping through his hair, the taste of freedom on his lips. He dreamt of horizons wider than the cornfields that stretched endlessly around their home. He dreamt of the impossible, of defying not just gravity, but his entire life.He found the circus on the outskirts of a town he'd never heard of, its colorful tents a beacon in the darkness. The smell of sawdust and popcorn, the laughter and the music - it was a world away from the quiet desperation of his old life. He approached the ringmistress, his heart pounding a frantic rhythm against his ribs. "I can fly," he said, his voice barely a whisper.The ringmistress, Miss Knotty, looked at him, not with disbelief, but with a flicker of amusement. "Show me," she said. And so, Peter did. He became the "Daredevil of the Dust," his bike his chariot, the dirt track his stage. He soared through the air, defying not only gravity but also the confines of his past. He kept pushing himself, taking on more dangerous stunts, becoming a force to be reckoned with within the Globe of Death.He found a home, a family, and a life more extraordinary than he could have ever imagined, all thanks to a stolen night and a leap of faith, fueled by the dust of the road and the roar of his engine.

Peter's Pet Dragon


Peter's Train Car

Kaito Kotaro

Fire Dancer and Stunt Performer

Erratic | Mercurial | Tormented

Species: Cursed Human

Age: 28

Loves: shonen manga, gambling, Blaze the Tiger

Hates: himself, having to drink a potion every day to control his fire

Before the Circus

Kaito's childhood wasn't paved with fire – it was a much quieter affair. Growing up, his days were filled with the rhythmic clatter of his father's abacus and the hushed whispers of his mother arranging ikebana flowers. Obedience and respect were the cornerstones of their traditional Japanese household, values that clashed spectacularly with Kaito's inherent desire for shortcuts and easy gains. The simmering rebellion within him eventually boiled over, propelling him across the Pacific to California, where he traded family expectations for the thrill of the hustle.


California sunshine glinted off Kaito Kotaro's slicked-back hair as he weaved through the bustling crowd. A self-proclaimed master of the quick hustle, Kaito had built his life on audacious cons and card game sleights of hand. Tonight's target? The Keg and Coffin, a smoky Irish pub tucked away within the fantastical tents of Miss Knotty's Circus and Carnival.Inside, the air thrummed with boisterous laughter and the cloying sweetness of spilled ale. Kaito spotted his mark – a cloaked figure shrouded in shadow, the devilish smile the only giveaway. It was Phantom, the Circus's enigmatic magician, rumored to weave illusions that defied reality. A smirk played on Kaito's lips. Easy pickings. Or so he thought.The card game unfolded like a familiar dance. Kaito deployed his practiced tricks, a subtle palm here, a deft shuffle there. The pile of money in front of him grew steadily. Just as he was about to collect his winnings, a steely glint flickered in Phantom's eyes. With a flick of his wrist, the cards ignited, a burst of scorching fire licking at Kaito's fingertips. Phantom had cursed Kaito for cheating against him with a terrifying ability: Unstable Fire.Panic clawed at Kaito's throat. He scrambled back, the flames refusing to die. Nora Dowling, the pub's resident potion brewer, rushed forward, shoving a vial filled with a ruby red liquid into his hand. "Fearless Fire," she rasped, "it won't extinguish the flames, but it might help you control them."The potion offered a flicker of hope, but Kaito's life of cons was over. He struggled to hold the fire within himself, failing to keep from hurting others and those around him without some kind of outlet for his power. Miss Knotty, the Circus's formidable owner, materialized from the shadows. Her eyes, sharp as a hawk's, took in the scene."A talent for pyrotechnics wasted on trickery," she murmured, her voice a low counterpoint to the crackling flames. "Perhaps a more… honest profession is in order."Kaito flinched, bracing for another punishment. But Miss Knotty surprised him with a crooked smile. "Welcome to the troupe, Kaito Kotaro. You're our new Fire Dancer."

Kaito's Train Car

Moon Moon

Walk of Terror
Scare Actor

Unhinged | Campy | Impish

Species: Maned Wolf Demihuman

Age: 35

Loves: memes, halloween, scaring people

Hates: serious people, trolls

Before the Circus

In the heart of bustling Boston, Massachusetts, a different heartbeat flickered - Katie McCann, a demihuman child. Orphaned before she could speak a word, Katie's fate fell into the hands of unwelcoming grandparents who despised her unique heritage. By sixteen, the strained relationship fractured. Katie, yearning for acceptance, fled the only home she knew. The streets became her teacher, shelters her haven, and trouble a constant companion. Her defiance against a world that rejected her landed her in the juvenile justice system.


Driven by a yearning for belonging, Katie stumbled upon Miss Knotty's Circus and Carnival. Initially, she saw it as a playground for her rebellious spirit - picking pockets and reveling in the thrill of scaring patrons. But her antics caught the eye of the enigmatic ringmistress, Miss Knotty herself.Catching Katie in the act of stealing and scaring people, Miss Knotty offered Katie a choice: sign a contract with Phantom and be contained within one of his glass spheres, or work for Miss Knotty as a Scare Actor for the new attraction: the Walk of Terror.Katie rejected the sterile confinement of Phantom's glass sphere. Instead, she embraced the electrifying world of fear and embraced the role of a Scare Actor.As the leader of the Walk of Terror, Katie shed her past and donned the persona of Moon Moon. Under this fearsome new identity, she reveled in unleashing primal terror on unsuspecting guests, transforming fear into twisted delight for both herself and the carnival goers. The discarded name "Katie" became a relic of a life she'd left behind. Moon Moon, the wild heart of the Walk of Terror, had been born.

Moon Moon's Train Car